St Barnabas Church

Search the Graveyard Database

Note: The database covers burials from 1863 to 2017, any more recent burial details can be obtained by contacting us.
If you know the number of the grave you are interested in simply move the mouse over that grave on the map and “left click” this will bring up the information, when you have finished viewing close the info window, you can then initiate another search.
If you do not know the grave number but know some details of the person you are seeking for example “Surname” or “First Name” or “Dates of Death, Birth,” then click “Advanced” Type in the info you have, then click on the “Advanced Search” button above the Map, any graves that match the info you have entered will be highlighted in Red, “left click” with your mouse over any grave highlighted in Red and all the details will be shown for that grave. If more than one person is buried there details for one will be displayed with a link for the others in blue, left click on the new name and the details will change. To initiate another search simply close the open details then enter new search parameters. 
Example: type “Long” in the surname field Select the Advanced Search button above the map and two graves will be highlighted in red. Select any one and info will be displayed, (Grave 318 Desmond & Samantha long) (Grave 335 Connie & Herbert Long).

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